Stream Stampede

Artist’s Private Collection

(12” x 21”)

This Stream Stampede piece is hugely protective. It will also bring balance, abundance and lots of grounding energy to a home.

The grey stallion cut from Krystal dark grey granite, with a black absolute granite mane and hooves, and a black onyx eye, nips at a white marble mare with a tiger-eye, eye. All the horses sport black tourmaline powder nostrils. The young colt is cut from grey marble with a travertine mane and a black onyx eye.

The horses are charging through a showy cosmos granite stream, spraying up white agate, clear quartz, and labradorite water chips. Green slate mountains tower in the background.

*Price includes delivery in Colorado, sales tax & personalized letter detailing the exact stones/semi-precious stones/crystals used in each specific piece and listing some of their energetic properties.