Saxophone Serenade

Artist’s Private Collection

(14” x 21”)

75 pieces of 2" x 3" beveled mirrors were meticulously cut and fit around this black granite saxophonist to create a lovely nightclub feel for this truly unique art piece.

The frame is fashioned from black marble pencil accent pieces. This makes a wonderful gift for any  saxophonist or jazz music lover.

A friend had a nook behind her bar with inset large diagonal mirrors, and I thought, “How cool would it be if there were a silhouette of a saxophonist leaning against the wall, playing a sexy jazz serenade?”

So I created a much smaller version to experiment working with beveled mirrors, and then inset the granite image.

*Price includes delivery in Colorado, sales tax & personalized letter detailing the exact stones/semi-precious stones/crystals used in each specific piece and listing some of their energetic properties.